Team Introductions

Happy Monday!

Now that you know a little bit about Umbrella Mondays, we wanted to talk a little bit about the team that’s making it, Turnip Town Studio!


Our studio consists of 10 Game Design and Development students from University of Wisconsin-Stout, with an even split between artists and programmers. There may be additional people contributing to this project, but they’ll be credited as they appear!

Top row: Travis, Jacob, Evan, Spencer | Middle row: April, Bob, Margaret | Bottom row: Mary, Maria, Casey


The citizens of Turnip Town (in alphabetical order):

April Lewer is the Design Lead and will be working on level design, gameplay design, narrative (as a co-writer), and character rigging, as well as overseeing the design team.

Bob Vogt is a writer, narrative designer, and auxiliary programmer working on the design and programming teams. He is also Turnip Town’s resident linguist and totally not a werewolf.

Casey Holman is Programming Lead and will be working on level design and the dialogue system, even though he can’t spell worth a darn. He will also be overseeing the programming team.

Evan Schweighart is an artist on the art and design teams, and will be working on concept art, character designs, environment designs, and texturing.

Jacob Sutherland is an artist on the art and design teams. He will be working on concept art, animation, and storyboarding, in addition to being Turnip Town’s resident lumberjack.

Margaret Clarke is the Art Lead and will be working on character sheets, sculpting, environment design, and web design. She’ll also be managing public relations, overseeing the art team, and probably drinking lots of tea.

Maria Kastello is a programmer on the programming and design teams. She will be working on sound design, user interface logic, and assisting with public relations. She also enjoys playing devil’s advocate by playtesting for game balancing and quality assurance.

Mary Flaherty is an artist on the art and design teams, and will be working on texturing, environmental art, and concept art.

Spencer Peloquin is a programmer on the programming and design teams. He’ll be working on character mechanics, code architecture, and gameplay programming.

Travis Ott is a programmer on the programming and design teams. He’ll be working on puzzle mechanics and gameplay programming.  


Here in Turnip Town, we expect that our interests and responsibilities will shift and blend over the course of development. Nobody’s work exists in a vacuum, and we’re all looking forward to learning something new as well as honing our existing skills. As incomplete as they might be, hopefully these introductions give you a good idea of what we’re interested in focusing on! We’re all heavily involved with the game’s overall design, and we’re excited to combine all of our skills together to produce a great game.

Until next week!

-Margaret, of Turnip Town Studio


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